
We specialized in working with clients to adopt cloud native services. Our Solutions Architects & DevOps Architects will work with your in-house teams to design, help you develop and deploy and find the right solution for your project.

Our Infrastructure Architects will help you choose the right workloads, which will be cost, optimized. The design will fulfill scaling, monitoring and alerting needs.

We help choose the right Modern design to refactor and redesign the apps based on 12 Factor methodology. Recently there are 3 more factors added which are API first, Telemetry and Authentication/Authorization.

We help you adopt cloud adoption framework, which will cover

  • Cost Management
  • Automation
  • Performance
  • Reliability
  • Security
Why Micro Services is a Challenge?

Sometimes a legacy application does not fit to a Micro Services Model. To convert an existing application there are many constraints which poses a risk of converting a legacy application to micro service. Our expert solution architects will not recommend going to a micro services architecture unless they completely understand the entire architecture. We work differently and we are upfront and honest to explain you why something does not fit and may lead you to problems and cost in the future.

Let us work together and create a modern scalable and cloud native solution. If you want to schedule a session with us, please send us a message below and we will be happy to work with you.

Our Contact

Please contact us for special request. Our cloud experts are stand by to provide you free initial consultation.



